# alias list for tcsh
# jameslin 2004-03-29
# for soda.csua.berkeley.edu

alias hi    history
alias j     "jobs -l" # long listing
# alias quota "quota -v"

alias last  "/usr/bin/last -50"
alias bye   exit

# alias ls    "/bin/ls -F" # formatted
alias ls    "ls-F -G"
alias la    "ls -A" # all, except . and ..
alias ll    "ls -al" # all, long listing
alias rm    "/bin/rm -i" # interactive
alias cp    "/bin/cp -i"
alias mv    "/bin/mv -i"
alias md    /bin/mkdir
alias rd    /bin/rmdir

alias w     "/usr/bin/who | /usr/bin/cut -f 1 -d ' ' | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq"

alias f     "/usr/bin/finger -lm" # long listing, match usernames only
alias ap    apropos

alias cat	"/bin/cat -v"
alias tail  "~/bin/tail"
alias more  "less"
alias less  "/usr/bin/less -e" # quit at EOF
alias ngrep "/usr/bin/grep -n" # show line numbers
alias sort  "/usr/bin/sort -bf" # ignore leading blanks, ignore case

alias dirs  "dirs -v"
alias peekd "cd =-"
alias back  "cd -"
alias there 'cd `dirname \!-1$`'

# alias enscript   'enscript -2rGd$LPDEST' # two col, landscape, header
# alias lp    'lp -d$LPDEST'
# alias lpstat   'lpstat $LPDEST'

alias pine  "~/bin/pine -iz" # auto-load inbox, suspend
# alias pico  "/usr/local/bin/pico -aewz" # show dotfiles,
                                          # filename completion,
                                          # no wordwrap, allow suspend
alias nano "~/bin/nano -wzRi -T 4" # no wordwrap, allow suspend,
                                   # use RE searching, auto-indent,
                                   # 4 space tabs
alias pico nano

# alias tar   "/usr/bin/tar cvf" # create new archive, verbose, to file
# alias untar "/usr/bin/tar xvf" # extract, verbose, from file

alias rz "~/bin/rz -y" # lrz gives me a lot of checksum errors
# alias rz "/usr/local/bin/lrz -by" # binary, overwrite
alias sz "/usr/local/bin/lsz -b" # binary

# alias lynx  "/usr/local/bin/lynx -anonymous"

# alias xterm "/usr/X11/bin/xterm +ls -sb -sk -sl 1000 -j -bg black
#                                 -fg white -bd white -bw 10
#                                 -geometry 80x25"

alias screen "/usr/local/bin/screen -d -R"
alias detach "/usr/local/bin/screen -d"
alias reattach "/usr/local/bin/screen -r"

alias strip "/usr/bin/strip -s" # strip all symbols
alias gcc "/usr/bin/gcc -Wall -O3" # all warnings

# alias IRC "/usr/local/bin/irc $USER localhost"
alias motd "less -# 4 /etc/motd"
alias motdedit "/csua/bin/me"
alias motdbrowse "~marco/bin/motdbrowse"
alias reminder "$EDITOR ~/etc/my.reminder"
alias e "$EDITOR"

bindkey -e # emacs defaults
bindkey ^W backward-delete-word
bindkey ^F complete-word-fwd
bindkey ^B complete-word-back

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copyright (c) 2001 james lin