my vision for the future              ,M$o             of web design is
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me                                        external resources
+ my weblog                               + comp.lang.c faq
+ my real-but-very-out-of-date site       + c++ faq lite
                                          + rogue wave's c++ stl reference
things i've done                          + java iaq
+ my software                             + dictionary of algorithms
+ my avisynth page                        + magic algorithms
+ my cs61a (sicp) material                + bit-twiddling hacks
+ fun with c                              + file formats
                                          + unmaintainable code
other                                     + c++ guru of the week
+ brain teasers                           + ioccc
  + ... with the answers                  + more riddles and brain teasers

I miss BBSs.
last updated: 2006-02-13               best experienced with links/lynx/w3m
copyright (c) 2006 james d. lin         at 80x25 and 1-bit color or greater