Some Basic Unix Commands
For additional Unix help, attend some of the
CSUA help sessions and
check out their
introductory Unix tutorial.
For those of you familiar with DOS, the equivalent Unix commands are:
DOS command |
Unix command |
Description |
Displays a list of files in the current directory.
Displays the current directory.
cd directory
cd directory
Changes the current directory to the specified one.
move source destination
mv source destination
Moves a file or directory.
ren oldname newname
mv oldname newname
Renames a file or directory.
copy source destination
cp source destination
Copies a file or directory.
md directory
mkdir directory
Makes a new directory.
rd directory
rmdir directory
Removes an empty directory.
del file
rm file
Removes a file.
deltree directory
rm -r directory
Removes a directory and all its subdirectories.
type file
cat file
Displays the contents of a text file.
type file | more
more file
Displays the contents of a text file, pausing at each screenful.
whatis command
Provides a brief description for the given command or program.
whereis program
Displays the location for the given program.
file file
Displays the type of the given file.
For more information on these or other commands and programs, use
man. For help with a specific command, type:
man command
If you don't know what the command is to do something particular, try:
man -k keyword
Last Modified: Tuesday, 30-Dec-2014 11:58:34 PST